The Stillpoint logo is a customized and unique Mandala that illustrates the symbolism of psychosynthesis. It represents the philosophy and process used in guiding people on their unique path to greater self-awareness.
The significance of the mandala, as just one of many symbols of self-development, highlights the StillPoint Journey which will help you access deep inner wisdom through direct experience with your intuition. On this journey you develop an intimate, objective understanding of hidden aspects of yourself – your strengths, your recurring patterns and mental blocks, as well as bringing focus and awareness to your inner ‘knowing’.
Internal Family Systems therapy (IFS) is a transformative, evidence-based model of psychological health and development. This model embraces the mind as being naturally multiple (everyone can identify with having different internal parts) and that is normal. IFS helps to identify and understand that our inner parts, many of which are in conflict, have a role to play. The value of this model also lies in helping people reconnect with their core Self from which place they begin to relate to their myriad parts with calmness, curiosity, clarity, compassion, confidence, courage, creativity, and connectedness. This internal family dynamic restores harmony and balance to the whole system.
Roberto Assagioli, a pioneer of psychoanalysis in Italy, originated psychosynthesis as a developmental approach to help guide people to explore meaning in their life. This process is contained with the broad context of synthesis, which is the drive towards harmonizing relationships, both with the various aspects of oneself as well as with other individuals and groups.
This approach is supported by a philosophy assuming an inherent existence of vast human potential, change and evolution. Repression of this higher potential can lead to psychological disturbances every bit as debilitating as repression of childhood trauma. Individuals who explore this approach have agency to a realm of the psyche that contains opportunity to discover their innate potential. This includes the realm of values and of peak experiences, later to be studied by Abraham Maslow who introduced the hierarchy of human needs.